This subject line is very near and dear to my heart. And.... the spirit constraineth me, that I speak no further. So shall it be.
Anyways, I
suppose I'll talk about this past week. And I'm going to be honest with
all of you, this past week has been probably the hardest, physically,
of my entire mission.
As most of you know, I have really terrible knees. This problem has
been going on for a loooong time. And so far on my mission, it has only
gotten worse, to the point that I couldn't work for most of this week.
I've tried to tough it out and say to myself that I can get through it,
it's just something that I need to get through on my own. But just last
night I finally had the Zone Leaders come over to our apartment to give
me a blessing. I now know that I need to seek medical attention, talk to
my Mission President, and see what the best course of action is. I have
no clue what is going to happen in the next few weeks. But I do know
that whatever happens, happens for a reason. I know that no matter what,
the Lord is going to put me where I am needed most. I don't mean to
worry or upset anyone. (Especially you, Mom) But I do want all of you to
know what is actually happening on my mission. I don't want to sugar
coat it all the time and say how amazingly fantastic a mission is ALL
THE TIME. Sometimes a mission is the hardest thing ever. BUT, what I can
tell you, is that this is the most rewarding work that we can possibly
do on this Earth. I know that for a fact.
Anyways, this past week has been really slow, because of my
problems, so we weren't really able to work all week. So to be honest, I
don't really have any cool stories or anything this week to share with
However, I want to share something with all of you that has been
really bothering me lately. I have come to realize that Members in this
Church, see us missionaries as the "men on the front lines" whenever
there is a problem or concern or anything, they ask the missionaries
instead of Home Teachers, the Bishop, etc. In my own personal opinion, I
think that this is not how it needs to be done. Missionaries are
like.... the specialists. We are not the front line infantry, we are the
tanks, and aircraft, the support for YOU members, who SHOULD be on the
front lines. There are MILLIONS of you, and only thousands of us. It is
your responsibility, now more than ever, to get out there and DO what
you have been called to do! Every member a missionary. I am not asking
that all of you get out there and start tracting or something ridiculous
like that. But what I am saying, is that you ALL have been given a
divine, and sacred calling. The Lord Jesus Christ has told us repeatedly
to feed his lambs. Home Teaching/Visiting Teaching/being neighborly,
these are all things that we as a church SHOULD be doing. How is your
Home Teaching going? Are you really making an effort? Or are you making
excuses? Distance does not matter, time does not matter. The Lord will
help you with whatever you need when you are doing His work. Do you
really think that you don't have time to visit someone? Do you really
not have the time to help one of Gods children? Ask yourself that
question. Can you honestly look the Savior in the eye at the last day,
and tell Him that you did your best? I sincerely hope so. My time here
on a mission has shown me that most everyone hates home teaching. Why?
It absolutely angers me more than anything. You have been commanded by
the Lord Himself to do this work. It should be JUST as important to you
as following the Word of Wisdom, the Law of Tithing, and so forth. Even
if you have that house that never answers the door, or they just don't
want to listen. Does that mean that you should just not go anymore?
Really? Would the Savior give up on one of his sheep? If you say "yes,
in some cases" You are a liar. Flat out. The Savior will never give up.
And neither should we.
I thank all of you for your love and support, and I ask that you
please remember me in your prayers, and remember the challenges that I
have extended to each of you.
Elder DeFreese
P.S. I hope you don't get offended to my comments, If you're doing your
home teaching, and doing a good job with all of that, then you shouldn't
be offended in the first place. And if you ARE offended... well... Book
of Mormon prophets got stoned and persecuted when they told sinners the
truth so.... take what you will. Just know that In the Doctrine and
Covenants it also says that whom the Lord Chastises, he loves. So when I
say these things, it's not because I'm angry with you, it's because I
love you, and want for you to follow Him as close as humanly possible!
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